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University Student Learning Outcomes


  1. Oral Communication
    Students will exhibit clear, engaging and confident oral communication in both individual and group settings and will critically evaluate content and delivery components.

  2. Written Communication
    Students will demonstrate proficient written communication by articulating a clear focus, synthesizing arguments and using standard formats in order to inform and persuade others.


  1. Content Knowledge
    Students will demonstrate comprehension of content-specific knowledge and the ability to apply it in theoretical, personal, professional or societal contexts.
  1. Information Literacy
    Students will identify information needed in order to fully understand a topic or task, explain how that information is organized, identify the best sources of information for a given enquiry, locate and critically evaluate sources and accurately and effectively share that information.

Critical Thinking

  1. Reflection
    Students will reflect on their personal and professional growth and provide evidence of how such reflection is used to manage personal and vocational improvement.

  2. Critical Thinking
    Students will apply critical thinking competencies by generating probing questions, recognizing underlying assumptions, interpreting and evaluating relevant information and applying their understandings to new situations.


  1. Moral Reasoning
    Students will identify and apply moral reasoning and ethical decision-making skills and articulate the norms and principles underlying a Christian worldview.

  2. Service
    Students will demonstrate service and reconciliation as a way of leadership.

  3. Cultural and Global Perspective
    Students will identify personal, cultural and global perspectives and will employ these perspectives to evaluate complex systems.

Quantitative Reasoning

  1. Quantitative Reasoning
    Students will accurately compute calculations and symbolic operations and explain their use in a field of study.